Friday, August 4, 2017

Generally using puppet modules

Puppet is an automation and configuration management tool using cross platform systems. This is generally used in now a days where automation is the key part of the IT firms . Here i am providing a nutshell of puppet modules which are using generic purposes . Which you can use as a template for creating your customized codes as per your environment

1. Puppet manifest to add an entry in hosts file 


class hostentry {
     host {'webserver01':
    name => '',
Ip   => '',
host_aliases => 'web01',
comment => 'This is a webserver primary',

2.module to assign network configuration 


1.first install the module 

 #puppet module instll example42-network

class network {
  network :: interface { 'eth0';
    ipaddress => '',
netmask   => ''}

2.if dhcp configuration needs to be enabled 

class network {
  network :: interface { 'eth0':
    enable_dhcp => true,

3. if route need to be added into the routing table 

class network :: route {'eth1':
   ipaddress => [ '' ],
   netmask   => [ '' ],
   gateway   => [ '' ],
   table     => [ 'vlan22' ],

4. Adding routes to a single interface may be contains multiple routes 

network::route { 'bond0':
  ipaddress => [ '', '', '', ]
  netmask   => [ '', '', '', ],
  gateway   => [ '', '', '', ],
  table     => [ false, false, 'vlan22' ],

3.Puppet configuration for a yumrepo

class basic_yum_repo {
  yumrepo { 'company_app_repo' :
    enabled => 1,
descr   => 'Local repo for company applications',
baseurl => ''
gpgcheck => 0,

the above class will create a repo like this

cat /etc/yum.repos.d/company_app_repo.repo

name=Local repo holding company application packages

4. Restart a service after configuration changes in a file ( here it is sshd service)

class ssh {
 service { 'sshd'
   ensure => 'running',
   enable => true',
   require => Package['openssh-server'],

file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' :
  notify => service['sshd'],
  mode   => 0600,
  owner  => 'root',
  group  => 'root',
  require => Package['openssh-server'],
  source  => 'puppet:///modules/sshd/sshd_config', ## this is the file which we are going to copy to desired location###


5. creating user's and groups 

Location of the module /etc/puppet/environments/prod/modules/mobile_users_groups/manifests

1. creating a group

class mobile_users_groups {

    group { 'wasadmin' :
      ensure  => present,
      gid     => '2100',

2. creating a user and adding to the above mentioned group

class mobile_users_groups {
user { 'bbduser' :
      ensure           => present,
      uid              => '2100',
      gid              => '2100',
      home             => '/home/bbduser',
     password         => '$6$L48.W/1Q$l14x2dRsoruV14c8ZrkEr.JgmbYW/H7r3HFFcYVqwKarEwEs8Ux6rXGDU3wFqGTa0SBbFWt1jYxQAGS2.Hw731', ##here the password will be set as per the encrypted format##
      managehome       => true,
      shell            => '/bin/bash',
      groups           => [ 'wasadmin', 'localusers' ], ##adding to the above group##
      comment          => " APP_USER Application Account",
      password_max_age => '99999',
      password_min_age => '0',
##setting the warning period##
    exec { 'warndays_bbduser' :
      command => 'chage -W 7 bbduser',
      path    => '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin',
      require =>  User['bbduser'],
      unless  => 'grep "^bbduser" /etc/shadow | cut -d: -f6 | grep "^7$"',


6. Package installation with ordering 


The two examples below create the same ordering relationship:

package { 'openssh-server':
  ensure => present,
  before => File['/etc/ssh/sshd_config'],
file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config':
  ensure  => file,
  mode    => '0600',
  source  => 'puppet:///modules/sshd/sshd_config',
  require => Package['openssh-server'],

Same we can configure using array 

service { 'sshd':
  ensure  => running,
  require => [
package { 'openssh-server':
  ensure => present,
  before => Service['sshd'],

file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config':
  ensure => file,
  mode   => '0600',
  source => 'puppet:///modules/sshd/sshd_config',
  before => Service['sshd'],

7. Manifest to configure pam module 


module location:/etc/puppet/environments/prod/modules/hdn_pam/manifests/password_auth.pp

class hdn_pam::password_auth {

  pam { 'hdn_pw_faillock_3' :
    ensure           => present,
    service          => 'password-auth',
    type             => 'auth',
    control          => 'sufficient',
    control_is_param => true,
    module           => '',
    arguments        => ['authsucc', 'audit', 'deny=5', 'unlock_time=900'],
    position         => 'before *[type="auth" and module="" and control="required"]',
  } ->

  pam { 'hdn_pw_faillock_2' :
    ensure           => present,
    service          => 'password-auth',
    type             => 'auth',
    control          => '[default=die]',
    control_is_param => true,
    module           => '',
    arguments        => ['authfail', 'audit', 'deny=5', 'unlock_time=900'],
    position         => 'before *[type="auth" and module="" and control="sufficient"]',
  } ->

  pam { '' :
    ensure           => present,
    service          => 'password-auth',
    type             => 'auth',
    control          => '[success=1 default=bad]',
    control_is_param => true,
    module           => '',
    position         => 'before *[type="auth" and module="" and control="[default=die]"]',
  } ->

  pam { 'hdn_pw_faillock_1' :
    ensure           => present,
    service          => 'password-auth',
    type             => 'auth',
    control          => 'required',
    control_is_param => true,
    module           => '',
    arguments        => ['preauth', 'audit', 'silent', 'deny=5', 'unlock_time=900'],
    position         => 'before *[type="auth" and module="" and control="[success=1 default=bad]"]',

  pam { 'hdn_pw_pw_pam_unix' :
    ensure           => present,
    service          => 'password-auth',
    type             => 'password',
    control          => 'sufficient',
    control_is_param => true,
    module           => '',
    arguments        => ['sha512','shadow','nullok', 'try_first_pass', 'use_authtok'],
    position         => 'after *[type="password" and module="" and control="requisite"]',


8. Manifest to configure mount points 


class hdn_mounts {

  mount { "/tmp" :
    device  => "/dev/mapper/rootvg-tmplv",
    fstype  => "ext4",
    ensure  => "mounted",
    options => "nodev,nosuid",
    pass    => "2",
    dump    => "1",
    atboot  => "true",

 mount { "/dev/shm" :
    device  => "tmpfs",
    fstype  => "tmpfs",
    ensure  => "mounted",
    options => "nodev,noexec,nosuid",
    atboot  => "true",

9. Manifest to configure sysctl values 


# install the sysctl module and its dependencies
$ sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet module install herculesteam-augeasproviders_sysctl 

Once the sysctl module is installed we can add the values as below 

class add_sysctl {
  sysctl { 'kernel.demesage_restrict' :
     ensure => present,
     value  => '1'
We can remove the kernel parameter as below 

class rem_sysctl {
  sysctl { 'kernel.panic_on_oops' :
     ensure => absent 

10 . Start the service on boot 


class enable_service {
   service { 'puppet': 
      enable => true, } 