Saturday, March 19, 2016

VCS ( Veritas Cluster Server)

Veritas cluster server is the high availability cluster solution for open platform  including Unix and MS.  This can be used as high availability cluster and high performance cluster depending up on the requirement where high availability cluster (HAC) improve application availability by failing them over or switching them over in a group of systems  and high performance cluster (HPC) which improve application performance by running them on multiple systems simultaneously.

VCS consist of multiple systems connected to a shared storage in different formations. VCS monitors and controls applications (resources) running in the system  and restarts it by switching to defferent nodes to ensure minimum or zero downtime.

I am mentioning different VCS terms which will be used through out this blog for your understanding
Resources - Resources includes hardware and software entities which includes ip address, disks, scrips , network interfaces etc. controlling this resources means starting/stopping/monitoring the resources as per the requirement . These resources are controlled by resource dependencies where there will be specific procedure to make this resources online or offline.

  Resources have 3 categories
on-off - These type of resources will be on or off with in the cluster as per the requirement . example scripts
on-only - This resources will be always on and VCS cannot stop them . example os NFS file systems
persistent - Persistent resources will not be make online or offline  by VCS.  example is network interface.

Service groups - Service groups are logical group of resources and dependencies  for better management. Each node in the VCS might host multiple service groups which can be monitored separately. If any resource in a service group is failed VCS will restart the service group in same node itself or by moving to other node.

service groups are 3 types called

Failover Service group - running in one node at a time

Parallel Service group - running in multiple nodes at a time

Hybrid Service group - This is a combination of Failover & Parallel  where with in the system zones it will act as Failover and Parallel across the zones .

Also there is one more service group called cluster service group which will contain main cluster resources like cluster manager,Notification,Wide area connectors (WAC) etc. This service group can switch to any nodes and it is the first service group came as online

High Availability Daemon (HAD)

HAD is the main daemon running in the VCS system which is responsible for running the cluster with cluster configuration , it will distribute the information when the nodes will join/leaves the cluster also it will respond to operator input and take corrective action when something fails . This daemon is generally known as VCS engine. HAD will use agents to understand the status of the resources  and the daemon running in one system will replicate the details to all other nodes in VCS system

Low Latency Transport (LLT)

LLT provides faster communication between the cluster nodes which means kernel to kernel communication. LLT has two functions

Traffic distribution - LLT helps to load balance the traffic between the nodes and it supports maximum up to eight links. If one link is down communication will shift automatically to another node.

Heart Beat - LLT is responsible for sending and receiving heart beat communication between the nodes to make sure system health status is fine.This heartbeat is analysed by GAB to identify the system status  

Main configuration files - /etc/llthosts & /etc/llttab

1. /etc/llthosts - This file contains hosts details with respective id's

ex: bash-3.00# cat /etc/llthosts
0 solaris-test2
1 solaris-test3

2. /etc/llttab - This file contains LLT network links related to each nodes in the system

bash-3.00# cat /etc/llttab
set-node solaris-test2
set-cluster 100
link e1000g0 /dev/e1000g:0 - ether - -
link e1000g1 /dev/e1000g:1 - ether - -

Group Membership Services/Atomic Broadcast (GAB)

GAB provides a global message order to provide synchronized system state. This also monitors disk communications  which is required for VCS heartbeat utility .  The main functions of GAB is to maintain cluster membership ( by receiving input of the status of the servers through LLT) and helps for reliable cluster communication

Main configuration file /etc/gabtab

This file contains the information needed by gabdriver and it is accessed by gabconfig utility
bash-3.00# cat /etc/gabtab
/sbin/gabconfig -c -n2

where 2 is the number of nodes available in the cluster system 

Configuring disk heartbeat 

This is same as qdisk configuration in RHEL cluster. We require at least 64kb of a disk for this configuration 

Below commands will initialize the disk region (s - start block, S- signature)

#/sbin/gabdiskconf - i /dev/dsk/c1t2d0s2 -s 16 -S 1123

#/sbin/gabdiskconf - i /dev/dsk/c1t2d0s2 -s 144 -S 1124

Adding the disk configuration 

#sbin/gabdiskhb -a /dev/dsk/c1t2d0s2 -s 16 -p a -s 1123

#sbin/gabdiskhb -a /dev/dsk/c1t2d0s2 -s 144 -p h -s 1124

configure the disks to use the driver and initialize 

#sbin/gabconfig -c -n2

LLT commands

lltstat -n command will show the llt link status in each node

in server1-
bash-3.00# /sbin/lltstat -n
LLT node information:
    Node                 State    Links
   * 0 solaris-test2     OPEN        2
     1 solaris-test3     OPEN        2

in server2
bash-3.00# /sbin/lltstat -n
LLT node information:
    Node                 State    Links
     0 solaris-test2     OPEN        2
   * 1 solaris-test3     OPEN        2

lltstat -nvv |more command will show in verbose format 
bash-3.00# /sbin/lltstat -nvv
LLT node information:
    Node                 State    Link  Status  Address
   * 0 solaris-test2     OPEN
                                  e1000g0   UP      08:00:27:F2:FD:1B
                                  e1000g1   UP      08:00:27:A4:52:AF
     1 solaris-test3     OPEN
                                  e1000g0   UP      08:00:27:19:48:CB
                                  e1000g1   UP      08:00:27:76:37:96
     2                   CONNWAIT
                                  e1000g0   DOWN
                                  e1000g1   DOWN
     3                   CONNWAIT
                                  e1000g0   DOWN
                                  e1000g1   DOWN

To start & stop llc  use below commands 
#lltconfig -c

#lltconfig -U  ( Keep it in mind that GAB has to be stopped  before this command) 

GAB commands 

1. Define the group membership and atomic broadcast (GAB) configuration

# more /etc/gabtab
/sbin/gabconfig -c -n2

2. start GAB

# sh /etc/gabtab
starting GAB done.

3. Display the GAB details 

bash-3.00# /sbin/gabconfig -a
GAB Port Memberships
Port a gen    f2503 membership 01
Port h gen    f2505 membership 01

VCS configuration 

Configuring VCS means communicating VCS engine about the name & definition of the cluster,service groups, and resource dependencies  The VCS configuration file is located /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config named & .Here the file will define entire cluster where includes resource types .In VCS the first system comes online will reads the configuration file and keeps the entire configuration in memory and system which are online later will derive the information . 

sample file

bash-3.00# cat /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""

cluster unixchips (
        UserNames = { admin = dqrJqlQnrMrrPzrLqo }
        Administrators = { admin }

system solaris-test2 (

system solaris-test3 (

group unixchipssg (
        SystemList = { solaris-test2 = 0, solaris-test3 = 1 }
        AutoStartList = { solaris-test2 }

        DiskGroup unixchipsdg (
                Critical = 0
                DiskGroup = unixchipsdg

        Mount unixchipsmount (
                Critical = 0
                MountPoint = "/vcvol1/"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/unixchipsdg/vcvol1"
                FSType = vxfs
                FsckOpt = "-y"

        Volume unixchipsvol (
                Critical = 0
                Volume = vcvol1
                DiskGroup = unixchipsdg

        unixchipsmount requires unixchipsvol
        unixchipsvol requires unixchipsdg

        // resource dependency tree
        //      group unixchipssg
        //      {
        //      Mount unixchipsmount
        //          {
        //          Volume unixchipsvol
        //              {
        //              DiskGroup unixchipsdg
        //              }
        //          }
        //      }

Types. cf file

bash-3.00# cat /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/
type AlternateIO (
        static str AgentFile = "bin/Script51Agent"
        static str ArgList[] = { StorageSG, NetworkSG }
        str StorageSG{}
        str NetworkSG{}

type Apache (
        static boolean IntentionalOffline = 0
        static keylist SupportedActions = { "checkconffile.vfd" }
        static str ArgList[] = { ResLogLevel, State, IState, httpdDir, SharedObjDir, EnvFile, PidFile, HostName, Port, User, SecondLevelMonitor, SecondLevelTimeout, ConfigFile, EnableSSL, DirectiveAfter, DirectiveBefore }
        static int ContainerOpts{} = { RunInContainer=1, PassCInfo=0 }
        str ResLogLevel = INFO
        str httpdDir
        str SharedObjDir
        str EnvFile
        str PidFile
        str HostName
        int Port = 80
        str User
        boolean SecondLevelMonitor = 0
        int SecondLevelTimeout = 30
        str ConfigFile
        boolean EnableSSL = 0
        str DirectiveAfter{}
        str DirectiveBefore{}
................. output is omitted 

The setup

As per the above architecture diagram we have 2 solaris servers and openfiler storage for the sample set up. Here i am not covering the installation part which will be explaining in a separate post by. soon.  The sample service will be a vxfs mount point which is configured as a service in VCS setup .

1. Once the HA installation is completed we will get the status as both the nodes are online mode as given below 

bash-3.00# hastatus -sum

-- System               State                Frozen

A  solaris-test2        RUNNING              0
A  solaris-test3        RUNNING              0

 Now we need to create the diskgroup using the vxfs file system . 

1. First check the available disks in the server using below command  ( identical output for both the nodes) 

bash-3.00# echo |format
Searching for disks...done

       0. c0d0 <DEFAULT cyl 2085 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>
       1. c0d1 <VBOX HAR-34e30776-506a21a-0001-1.01GB>
       2. c1d1 <VBOX HAR-b00f936a-669c3f0-0001-1.01GB>
       3. c2t0d0 <VBOX-HARDDISK-1.0-1.17GB>
       4. c2t1d0 <VBOX-HARDDISK-1.0-1.06GB>
       5. c3t3d0 <OPNFILER-VIRTUAL-DISK-0 cyl 44598 alt 2 hd 16 sec 9>
       6. c3t4d0 <OPNFILER-VIRTUAL-DISK-0 cyl 63258 alt 2 hd 16 sec 9>

bash-3.00# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c0d0s2       auto:none       -            -            online invalid
c0d1         auto:ZFS        -            -            ZFS
c1t1d0s2     auto            -            -            error
c2t0d0       auto:ZFS        -            -            ZFS
c2t1d0       auto:ZFS        -            -            ZFS
disk_0       auto:cdsdisk    iscsi1       ----------------  online invalid 
disk_1       auto:cdsdisk    iscsi2       ----------------  online invalid 

As per the above command we can see 2 iscsi disks from the storage which is shown as online but invalid . These disks we will configure for the diskgroup .

2. Bring open filer disks under vxvm

bash-3.00 # /etc/vx/bin/vxdisksetup -i disk_0
bash-3.00# /etc/vx/bin/vxdisksetup -i disk_1

Now we can see both the disks are online status

3. bash-3.00# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c0d0s2       auto:none       -            -            online invalid
c0d1         auto:ZFS        -            -            ZFS
c1t1d0s2     auto            -            -            error
c2t0d0       auto:ZFS        -            -            ZFS
c2t1d0       auto:ZFS        -            -            ZFS
disk_0       auto:cdsdisk    iscsi1       ----------------  online 
disk_1       auto:cdsdisk    iscsi2       ----------------  online

4. We have to create the diskgroup with thease online disks now

bash-3.00#vxdg init unixchipsdg iscsi1=disk_0 iscsi2=disk_1

We can see the disk group is created (unixchipsdg) for these iscsi disks

bash-3.00# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c0d0s2       auto:none       -            -            online invalid
c0d1         auto:ZFS        -            -            ZFS
c1t1d0s2     auto            -            -            error
c2t0d0       auto:ZFS        -            -            ZFS
c2t1d0       auto:ZFS        -            -            ZFS
disk_0       auto:cdsdisk    iscsi1              unixchipsdg  online 
disk_1       auto:cdsdisk    iscsi2              unixchipsdg   online

5. We need to create the volume using this diskgroup

bash-3.00#vxassist -g unixchipsdg make vcvol1 2g

6. Format the volume to create the file system

bash-3.00#mkfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/unixchipsdg/vcvol1

version 7 layout 6291456 sectors, 
3145728 blocks of size 1024, log size 16384 blocks 
largefiles supported

7.Now you can try to mount it for confirmation after creating the mount point 

bash-3.00#mkdir /vcvol1

bash-3.00#mount -F vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/unixchipsdg/vcvol1 /vcvol1

bash-3.00#df -h /vcvol1
Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on 
/dev/vx/dsk/unixchipsdg/vcvol12.0G 18M 1.8G 1% /vcvol1 

8. The next step is to create the service group/volume/diskgroup . The order of creation will be service group/volume/mount

Creating the servicegroup
# haconf -makerw  (this will make the configuration file ie to read write mode)
#hagrp -add unixchipssg
# hagrp -modify unixchipssg SystemList solar is-test2 0 solaris-test3 1
# hagrp -modify unixchipssg AutoStartList solaris-test2
# hagrp -display unixchipssg
#Group       Attribute             System        Value
unixchipssg  AdministratorGroups   global
unixchipssg  Administrators        global
unixchipssg  Authority             global        0
unixchipssg  AutoFailOver          global        1
unixchipssg  AutoRestart           global        1
unixchipssg  AutoStart             global        1
unixchipssg  AutoStartIfPartial    global        1
unixchipssg  AutoStartList         global        solaris-test2
unixchipssg  AutoStartPolicy       global        Order
unixchipssg  ClusterFailOverPolicy global        Manual
unixchipssg  ClusterList           global
unixchipssg  ContainerInfo         global
unixchipssg  DisableFaultMessages  global        0
unixchipssg  Evacuate              global        1
unixchipssg  ExtMonApp             global
unixchipssg  ExtMonArgs            global
unixchipssg  FailOverPolicy        global        Priority
unixchipssg  FaultPropagation      global        1
unixchipssg  Frozen                global        0
unixchipssg  GroupOwner            global

.........output will be omitted 

#haconf -dump ( to update the configuration in file)
#view /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/

# cat /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""

cluster unixchips (
        UserNames = { admin = dqrJqlQnrMrrPzrLqo }
        Administrators = { admin }

system solaris-test2 (

system solaris-test3 (

group unixchipssg (
        SystemList = { solaris-test2 = 0, solaris-test3 = 1 }
        AutoStartList = { solaris-test2 }

Adding the Diskgroup
# hares -add unixchipsdg DiskGroup unixchipssg
# hares -modify unixchipsdg Critical 0
# hares -modify unixchipsdg DiskGroup unixchipsdg
# hares -modify unixchipsdg  Enabled 1
# hares -online unixchipsdg -sys solaris-test2
# hares -state unixchipsdg
#Resource    Attribute             System        Value
unixchipsdg  State                 solaris-test2 ONLINE
unixchipsdg  State                 solaris-test3 OFFLINE

#haconf -dump

Adding the volume resource
# hares -add unixchipsvol Volume unixchipssg
# hares -modify unixchipsvol Critical 0
# hares -modify unixchipsvol Volume vcvol1  ( this is vxfs volume we have created earler )
# hares -modify unixchipsvol DiskGroup unixchipsdg
# hares -modify unixchipsvol Enabled 1
# hares -display unixchipsvol (display the volume status with attributes) 
#Resource    Attribute             System        Value
unixchipsvol Group                 global        unixchipssg
unixchipsvol Type                  global        Volume
unixchipsvol AutoStart             global        1
unixchipsvol Critical              global        0
unixchipsvol Enabled               global        1
unixchipsvol LastOnline            global        solaris-test3
unixchipsvol MonitorOnly           global        0
unixchipsvol ResourceOwner         global
unixchipsvol TriggerEvent          global        0
unixchipsvol ArgListValues         solaris-test2 Volume 1       vcvol1  DiskGroup       1       unixchipsdg
unixchipsvol ArgListValues         solaris-test3 Volume 1       vcvol1  DiskGroup       1       unixchipsdg
unixchipsvol ConfidenceLevel       solaris-test2 0
unixchipsvol ConfidenceLevel       solaris-test3 100
unixchipsvol ConfidenceMsg         solaris-test2
unixchipsvol ConfidenceMsg         solaris-test3
unixchipsvol Flags                 solaris-test2
unixchipsvol Flags                 solaris-test3
unixchipsvol IState                solaris-test2 not waiting
unixchipsvol IState                solaris-test3 not waiting
unixchipsvol MonitorMethod         solaris-test2 Traditional
unixchipsvol MonitorMethod         solaris-test3 Traditional

................................out put is omitted 

# hares -online unixchipsvol -sys solaris-test2
# hares -state unixchipsvol
#Resource    Attribute             System        Value
unixchipsvol State                 solaris-test2 ONLINE
unixchipsvol State                 solaris-test3 OFFLINE
#haconf -dump 

Adding the mount point resource
# hares -add unixchipsmount mount unixchipssg
# hares -modify unixchipsmount Critical 0
# hares -modify unixchipsmount MountPoint /vcvol1
# hares -modify unixchipsmount BlockDevice /dev/vx/dsk/unixchipsdg/vcvol1
# hares -modify unixchipsmount FSType vxfs
# hares -modify unixchipsmount  FSCKopt %-y
# hares -modify unixchipsmount Enabled 1
# hares -display unixchipsmount
#Resource      Attribute             System        Value
unixchipsmount Group                 global        unixchipssg
unixchipsmount Type                  global        Mount
unixchipsmount AutoStart             global        1
unixchipsmount Critical              global        0
unixchipsmount Enabled               global        1
unixchipsmount LastOnline            global        solaris-test2
unixchipsmount MonitorOnly           global        0
unixchipsmount ResourceOwner         global
unixchipsmount TriggerEvent          global        0
unixchipsmount ArgListValues         solaris-test2 MountPoint   1       /vcvol1/        BlockDevice     1       /dev/vx/dsk/unixchipsdg/vcvol1  FSType  1       vxfs    MountOpt        1       ""      FsckOpt 1       -y      SnapUmount      1       0       CkptUmount      1       1       OptCheck        1       0       CreateMntPt     1       0       MntPtPermission 1       ""      MntPtOwner      1       ""      MntPtGroup      1       ""      AccessPermissionChk     1       0       RecursiveMnt    1       0       VxFSMountLock   1       1
unixchipsmount ArgListValues         solaris-test3 MountPoint   1       /vcvol1/        BlockDevice     1       /dev/vx/dsk/unixchipsdg/vcvol1  FSType  1       vxfs    MountOpt        1       ""      FsckOpt 1       -y      SnapUmount      1       0       CkptUmount      1       1       OptCheck        1       0       CreateMntPt     1       0       MntPtPermission 1       ""      MntPtOwner      1       ""      MntPtGroup      1       ""      AccessPermissionChk     1       0       RecursiveMnt    1       0       VxFSMountLock   1       1
...............................................output will be omitted

# hares -online unixchipsmount -sys solaris-test2
# hares -state unixchipsmount
#Resource      Attribute             System        Value
unixchipsmount State                 solaris-test2 ONLINE
unixchipsmount State                 solaris-test3 OFFLINE

Linking the resources to the service group
# hares -link unixchipsvol unixchipsdg
# hares -link unixchipsmount  unixchipsvol

9. Testing the resources 

checking the status

# hastatus -sum

-- System               State                Frozen

A  solaris-test2        RUNNING              0
A  solaris-test3        RUNNING              0

-- Group           System               Probed     AutoDisabled    State

B  unixchipssg     solaris-test2        Y          N               ONLINE
B  unixchipssg     solaris-test3        Y          N               OFFLINE

checking the service status ( in this case mount point)

# df -h |grep vcvol1
/dev/vx/dsk/unixchipsdg/vcvol1   2.0G    19M   1.9G     1%    /vcvol1

switching the service to another node

# hagrp -switch unixchipssg -to solaris-test3

# hastatus -sum

-- System               State                Frozen

A  solaris-test2        RUNNING              0
A  solaris-test3        RUNNING              0

-- Group           System               Probed     AutoDisabled    State

B  unixchipssg     solaris-test2        Y          N               OFFLINE
B  unixchipssg     solaris-test3        Y          N               ONLINE

(imp: the default location of the vcs commands will be /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/ and we need to export the path  to avoid the full path details during execution in /etc/profile)

export PATH

Thank you for reading the article. please feel free to post your comments and suggestions 



  1. Good article, keep the momentum.. Cheers J

  2. nice article... i have done pratically , this is my outputs based on your documents...

    [root@node1 ~]# hastatus -sum

    -- System State Frozen

    A node1 RUNNING 0
    A node2 RUNNING 0

    -- Group System Probed AutoDisabled State

    B ClusterService node1 Y N OFFLINE
    B ClusterService node2 Y N ONLINE
    B unixchipssg node1 Y N OFFLINE
    B unixchipssg node2 Y N ONLINE
    [root@node1 ~]#

  3. Nice article, my hastatus -sum output like below, what could be the problem?
    -- Heartbeat To State

    M Icmp remote_cluster UNKNOWN
