Monday, December 5, 2016

AWS- sample Linux instance creation and ssh configuration

In this session i am providing you the steps to create a simple EC2 LInux instance and it's putty configuration .

1.      Login to  and sign in using the credentials as below

        2. You will get a console as below which contains multiple services available for AWS 


     3. Click on EC2 and you will get the current status of the instance . In this case no instances is running now

1.     4.  Click Launch instance and select Redhat ( select only eligible for free tier to avoid charges)

   5. Here  the choose instance type tab select the one which is free tire eligible

6.Configure the instance details as below as

Number of instances 1
Purchasing option ( don’t enable request spot instances )
Network/subnet/Auto assign IP ( all these details will come automatically)
Shutdown behaviour you can select as stop and tick enable termination protection 

7.Add storage details

(for free tier default storage size available will be 30GB) 

8. 8. We can tag the instance as below, here I am giving the instance name as “webserver 

9  Then we have an option to configure the security groups ( which means the firewall rules for specific ports need to be opened) 

.  10 Click on review and launch ( all the above mentioned configured options are available in this tab also this will allow you to edit the configurations before you are launching the instance . Also there will be an option to configure the key pair for security purpose which contains a public and private key’s. Please mention any key name “ in this example I have mentioned the key name as unixchips1. This key pair will be saved in your local system for future use as a .pem file.

11. you will get the below screen while launching the instances

12. Finally our instances are ready which is names as webserver


13. Once you click in connect option you will get below prompt which will describe the connection methods. There is 2 methods to access a linux instance, java enabled ssh method and standard putty method. Here I am using standard putty connect

14 Also you need to download “puttygen”( before connecting using putty to configure public & private key for the instance

Launch putty gen and click on “load” option , select all files from the drop down list and locate the .pem file ( unixchips1.pem) which we saved earlier . If correct file is located you will get a message as below .

15. There is an option to save the private key (.ppk) format and save that in your desktop. Here I have saved as unixchips1.ppk in my desktop

16 .Load the putty.exe , in the hostname tab mention the details as below
where ec2-user is the default username while creating each instance and the other one is public DNS name of the server . 

17. Go to connection tab and expand SSH then select Auth there is an option to brows and select the private key ( ppk) file which we saved earlier and then open

It will connect to the instance using the ssh client




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