Sunday, June 30, 2019

Azure VM's ( Linux & Windows)

Azure virtual machines can be created using azure portal . There are Linux and windows flowers are available and i am briefing the more details about it and explaining how to create the windows and linux VM's

Azure VM types
Azure has different VM sizes available as per the requirement for both the windows and linux environment. Below are the main types of VM's differentiated according to the purpose

General purposeB, Dsv3, Dv3, DSv2, Dv2, Av2, DCBalanced CPU-to-memory ratio. Ideal for testing and development, small to medium databases, and low to medium traffic web servers.
Compute optimizedFsv2High CPU-to-memory ratio. Good for medium traffic web servers, network appliances, batch processes, and application servers.
Memory optimizedEsv3, Ev3, M, DSv2, Dv2High memory-to-CPU ratio. Great for relational database servers, medium to large caches, and in-memory analytics.
Storage optimizedLsv2High disk throughput and IO ideal for Big Data, SQL, NoSQL databases, data warehousing and large transactional databases.
GPUNV, NVv2, NC, NCv2, NCv3, ND, NDv2 (Preview)Specialized virtual machines targeted for heavy graphic rendering and video editing, as well as model training and inferencing (ND) with deep learning. Available with single or multiple GPUs.
High performance computeHOur fastest and most powerful CPU virtual machines with optional high-throughput network interfaces (RDMA).

VM name # Cores Memory (GiB) Max # disks Linux price Windows price Best price region / Diff %
Standard_B1ls 1 0.5 2 0.40979675 0.7138395 East US / -16.1%
Standard_B1ms 1 2 2 1.639187 1.903572 East US / -16.5%
Standard_B1s 1 1 2 0.8195935 1.0839785 East US / -16.1%
Standard_B2ms 2 8 4 6.556748 7.07229875 East US / -16.1%
Standard_B2s 2 4 4 3.278374 3.807144 East US / -16.1%
Standard_B4ms 4 16 8 13.0870575 14.1445975 East US / -16.2%
Standard_B8ms 8 32 16 26.24021125 28.35529125 East US / -16.1%
Standard_DS1_v2 1 3.5 4 4.6267375 8.3281275 East US 2 / -18.6%
Standard_DS2_v2 2 7 8 9.253475 16.656255 East US 2 / -18.6%
Standard_DS3_v2 4 14 16 18.44085375 33.31251 East US 2 / -17.9%
Standard_DS4_v2 8 28 32 36.94780375 66.62502 East US 2 / -18.1%
Standard_DS5_v2 16 56 64 73.82951125 133.25004 East US 2 / -18%
Standard_DS11_v2 2 14 8 12.22780625 17.44941 East US 2 / -19.5%
Standard_DS12_v2 4 28 16 24.4556125 34.89882 East US 2 / -19.2%
Standard_DS13_v2 8 56 32 48.97732125 69.79764 East US 2 / -19.3%
Standard_DS14_v2 16 112 64 97.9546425 139.52918375 East US 2 / -19.3%
Standard_DS15_v2 20 140 64 122.410255 174.42800375 East US 2 / -19.3%
Standard_F1s 1 2 4 4.0979675 7.138395 Central India / -21%
Standard_F2s 2 4 8 8.195935 14.27679 Central India / -20.3%
Standard_F4s 4 8 16 16.45796625 28.61967625 Central India / -20.5%
Standard_F8s 8 16 32 32.9159325 57.2393525 Central India / -20.7%
Standard_F16s 16 32 64 65.831865 114.478705 Central India / -20.7%
Standard_D2s_v3 2 8 4 7.73326125 13.81411625 East US / -17.9%
Standard_D4s_v3 4 16 8 15.4665225 27.6282325 East US / -17.9%
Standard_D8s_v3 8 32 16 30.933045 55.256465 East US / -17.9%
Standard_D16s_v3 16 64 32 61.86609 110.51293 East US / -17.9%
Standard_D32s_v3 32 128 32 123.73218 221.02586 East US / -17.9%
Standard_A0 1 0.75 1 1.321925 1.321925 South India / -20%
Standard_A1 1 1.75 2 3.965775 2.64385 East US / -61.7%
Standard_A2 2 3.5 4 5.35379625 11.897325 West Europe / -3.7%
Standard_A3 4 7 8 12.426095 23.79465 East US / -6.4%
Standard_A5 2 14 4 16.5240625 21.8117625 Korea Central / -31.2%
Standard_A4 8 14 16 24.85219 47.5893 East US / -6.4%
Standard_A6 4 28 8 33.048125 43.623525 Korea Central / -31.4%
Standard_A7 8 56 16 66.09625 87.24705 Korea Central / -31.3%
Basic_A0 1 0.75 1 1.1897325 1.1897325 South India / -11.1%
Basic_A1 1 1.75 2 2.04898375 2.64385 East US / -25.8%
Basic_A2 2 3.5 4 5.35379625 7.99764625 East US 2 / -16%
Basic_A3 4 7 8 12.426095 20.357645 East US / -6.4%
Basic_A4 8 14 16 24.85219 40.71529 East US / -6.4%
Standard_D1_v2 1 3.5 4 4.6267375 8.3281275 East US 2 / -18.6%
Standard_D2_v2 2 7 8 9.253475 16.656255 East US 2 / -18.6%
Standard_D3_v2 4 14 16 18.44085375 33.31251 East US 2 / -17.9%
Standard_D4_v2 8 28 32 36.94780375 66.62502 East US 2 / -18.1%
Standard_D5_v2 16 56 64 73.82951125 133.25004 East US 2 / -18%
Standard_D11_v2 2 14 8 12.22780625 17.44941 East US 2 / -19.5%
Standard_D12_v2 4 28 16 24.4556125 34.89882 East US 2 / -19.2%
Standard_D13_v2 8 56 32 48.97732125 69.79764 East US 2 / -19.3%
Standard_D14_v2 16 112 64 97.9546425 139.52918375 East US 2 / -19.3%
Standard_D15_v2 20 140 64 122.410255 174.42800375 East US 2 / -19.3%
Standard_F1 1 2 4 4.0979675 7.138395 Central India / -21%
Standard_F2 2 4 8 8.195935 14.27679 Central India / -20.3%
Standard_F4 4 8 16 16.45796625 28.61967625 Central India / -20.5%
Standard_F8 8 16 32 32.9159325 57.2393525 Central India / -20.7%
Standard_F16 16 32 64 65.831865 114.478705 Central India / -20.7%
Standard_A1_v2 1 2 2 2.84213875 4.29625625 West US 2 / -16.3%
Standard_A2m_v2 2 16 4 9.84834125 14.87165625 West US 2 / -33.6%
Standard_A2_v2 2 4 4 6.01475875 8.98909 West US 2 / -16.5%
Standard_A4m_v2 4 32 8 19.63058625 29.7433125 West US 2 / -30%
Standard_A4_v2 4 8 8 12.62438375 18.9035275 West US 2 / -16.8%
Standard_A8m_v2 8 64 16 39.2611725 59.486625 West US 2 / -26.4%
Standard_A8_v2 8 16 16 26.4385 39.65775 West US 2 / -16.8%
Standard_D2_v3 2 8 4 7.73326125 13.81411625 East US / -17.9%
Standard_D4_v3 4 16 8 15.4665225 27.6282325 East US / -17.9%
Standard_D8_v3 8 32 16 30.933045 55.256465 East US / -17.9%
Standard_D16_v3 16 64.09765625 32 61.86609 110.51293 East US / -17.9%
Standard_D32_v3 32 128 32 123.73218 221.02586 East US / -17.9%
Standard_D64_v3 64 256 32 247.46436 442.05172 East US / -17.9%
Standard_D64s_v3 64 256 32 247.46436 442.05172 East US / -17.9%
Standard_E2_v3 2 16 4 9.782245 15.8631 East US / -14.9%
Standard_E4_v3 4 32 8 19.56449 31.7262 East US / -14.9%
Standard_E8_v3 8 64 16 37.0139 61.33732 East US / -10%
Standard_E16_v3 16 128 32 74.0278 122.67464 East US / -10%
Standard_E20_v3 20 160 32 97.82245 158.631 East US / -14.9%
Standard_E32_v3 32 256 32 148.0556 245.34928 East US / -10%
Standard_E64i_v3 64 432 32 266.50008 461.08744 East US / -10%
Standard_E64_v3 64 432 32 266.50008 461.08744 East US / -10%
Standard_E2s_v3 2 16 4 9.782245 15.8631 East US / -14.9%
Standard_E4s_v3 4 32 8 19.56449 31.7262 East US / -14.9%
Standard_E8s_v3 8 64 16 37.0139 61.33732 East US / -10%
Standard_E16s_v3 16 128 32 74.0278 122.67464 East US / -10%
Standard_E20s_v3 20 160 32 97.82245 158.631 East US / -14.9%
Standard_E32s_v3 32 256 32 148.0556 245.34928 East US / -10%
Standard_E64is_v3 64 432 32 266.50008 461.08744 East US / -10%
Standard_E64s_v3 64 432 32 266.50008 461.08744 East US / -10%
Standard_D1 1 3.5 4 5.08941125 9.253475 East US 2 / -13%
Standard_D2 2 7 8 10.1788225 18.50695 East US 2 / -13%
Standard_D3 4 14 16 20.357645 37.0139 East US 2 / -13%
Standard_D4 8 28 32 40.71529 74.0278 East US 2 / -13%
Standard_D11 2 14 8 12.75657625 17.44941 East US 2 / -10.4%
Standard_D12 4 28 16 25.5131525 34.89882 East US 2 / -10.1%
Standard_D13 8 56 32 50.96020875 69.79764 East US 2 / -10%
Standard_D14 16 112 64 101.9204175 139.52918375 East US 2 / -10.1%
Standard_DS1 1 3.5 4 5.08941125 9.253475 East US 2 / -13%
Standard_DS2 2 7 8 10.1788225 18.50695 East US 2 / -13%
Standard_DS3 4 14 16 20.357645 37.0139 East US 2 / -13%
Standard_DS4 8 28 32 40.71529 74.0278 East US 2 / -13%
Standard_DS11 2 14 8 12.75657625 17.44941 East US 2 / -10.4%
Standard_DS12 4 28 16 25.5131525 34.89882 East US 2 / -10.1%
Standard_DS13 8 56 32 50.96020875 69.79764 East US 2 / -10%
Standard_DS14 16 112 64 101.9204175 139.52918375 East US 2 / -10.1%
Standard_G1 2 28 8 40.3187125 44.2844875 UK South / -28%
Standard_G2 4 56 16 80.637425 88.568975 UK South / -28%
Standard_G3 8 112 32 161.27485 177.13795 UK South / -28%
Standard_G4 16 224 64 322.5497 354.2759 UK South / -28%
Standard_G5 32 448 64 574.3764125 637.8288125 UK South / -19.1%
Standard_GS1 2 28 8 40.3187125 44.2844875 UK South / -28%
Standard_GS2 4 56 16 80.637425 88.568975 UK South / -28%
Standard_GS3 8 112 32 161.27485 177.13795 UK South / -28%
Standard_GS4 16 224 64 322.5497 354.2759 UK South / -28%
Standard_GS5 32 448 64 574.3764125 637.8288125 UK South / -19.1%
Standard_L4s 4 32 16 22.73711 34.89882 West US 2 / -9.3%
Standard_L8s 8 64 32 45.47422 69.79764 West US 2 / -9.3%
Standard_L16s 16 128 64 90.94844 139.59528 West US 2 / -9.3%
Standard_L32s 32 256 64 181.89688 279.19056 West US 2 / -9.3%
Standard_F2s_v2 2 4 4 7.0062025 13.0870575 East US / -20.2%
Standard_F4s_v2 4 8 8 14.012405 26.174115 East US / -20.3%
Standard_F8s_v2 8 16 16 28.02481 52.34823 East US / -20.3%
Standard_F16s_v2 16 32 32 56.04962 104.69646 East US / -20.2%
Standard_F32s_v2 32 64 32 112.09924 209.39292 East US / -20.2%
Standard_F64s_v2 64 128 32 224.19848 418.78584 East US / -20.2%
Standard_F72s_v2 72 144 32 252.22329 471.13407 East US / -20.2%
Standard_A8 8 56 32 64.44384375 96.8971025 South Central US / -10.3%
Standard_A9 16 112 64 128.8876875 193.86030125 South Central US / -10.3%
Standard_A10 8 56 32 51.555075 77.53090125 South Central US / -10.3%
Standard_A11 16 112 64 103.11015 155.0618025 South Central US / -10.3%
Standard_H8 8 56 32 64.17945875 62.7914375 South Central US / -45.9%
Standard_H16 16 112 64 128.29282125 125.64897125 West US 2 / -50.8%
Standard_H8m 8 112 32 85.99122125 75.878495 South Central US / -45.9%
Standard_H16m 16 224 64 103.17624625 151.82308625 West US 2 / -18.1%
Standard_H16r 16 112 64 141.18159 233.980725 South Central US / -45.9%
Standard_H16mr 16 224 64 189.10137125 313.4284175 West US 2 / -50.8%
Standard_NV6s_v2 6 112 12 50.69582375 0 South Central US / -10.8%
Standard_NV12s_v2 12 224 24 101.3916475 0 South Central US / -10.8%
Standard_NV24s_v2 24 448 32 202.84939125 0 South Central US / -10.9%
Standard_NV12s_v3 12 112 12 50.69582375 68.93838875 East US / -25.7%
Standard_NV24s_v3 24 224 24 101.3916475 137.94287375 East US / -25.7%
Standard_NV48s_v3 48 448 32 202.84939125 275.81965125 East US / -25.7%

Now let's create the linux VM

1. First create the SSH key pair as below 

unixchips@unixchips:~/.ssh$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/unixchips/.ssh/id_rsa): 
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /home/unixchips/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/unixchips/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:xSXiulenPxLhsWV8b3VK6UjbcW11HCnmtWaFeBV1Tzk unixchips@unixchips
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|        . . .. *@|
|       . o o.ooEB|
|        . o.o.o.O|
|       . .o =.=+*|
|      . S..B.Bo*o|
|       . .+oo + o|
|      . . ..   . |
|       .  ...    |
|           ...   |

If we check inside the home directory we can see and id_rsa in home directory 

unixchips@unixchips:~/.ssh$ ls -lrt
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 unixchips unixchips  222 Aug  9  2018 known_hosts
-rw------- 1 unixchips unixchips  401 May 28 00:54 authorized_keys
-rw-r--r-- 1 unixchips unixchips  401 Jun 29 00:10
-rw------- 1 unixchips unixchips 1675 Jun 29 00:10 id_rsa

2. Now login to the azure portal and click on resources -- new resource . Select the OS flavor , resource group and create the username and password as below 

also we can configure ports which is allowded from outside to the VM as below . i have enabled http,https and ssh ports

3. Next step is to configure the disks , there are 3 types of disks premium ssd, standard ssd and standard hdd

Disk Type Premium SSD new Standard SSD Standard HDD
Summary Designed for IO intensive enterprise workloads. Delivers consistent performance with low latency and high availability. Designed to provide consistent performance for low IOPS workloads. Delivers better availability and latency compared to HDD Disks. Optimized for low-cost mass storage with infrequent access. Can exhibit some variability in performance.
Workload Demanding enterprise workloads such as SQL Server, Oracle, Dynamics, Exchange Server, MySQL, Cassandra, MongoDB, SAP Business Suite, and other production workloads Web servers, low IOPS application servers, lightly used enterprise applications, and Dev/Test Backup storage
Max IOPS 7,500 IOPS provisioned Up to 500 IOPS Up to 500 IOPS
Max Throughput 250 MBPS provisioned Up to 60 MBPS Up to 60 MBPS

4. configure the network and select IP, subnet and public IP

5. in the management section we have options to add the VM to AD also we can enable OS diagnostic and monitoring options

6. We can customise the packages which is needs to be installed along with the OS using cloud init

7. Add the tags by mentioning appropriate values  and click on create option to create the VM

8. Now click on virtual machines and we can see the VM is created

9. Click on the VM and select the connect option we can see the public ip details also to connect

10 . As we have already installed the nginx through the azure cloud init option we should be able to access the nginx using the public IP

11. creating the windows VM's is almost same as linux .. only difference is selecting the OS flavor

We have successfully created the linux  and windows VM's  using azure and thank you for reading ...

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