Friday, January 17, 2020

CICD pipe line using openshift & jenkins

Jenkins is one of the major component for Continues integration and Continues Delivery ( CICD) setup in devops world which is reducing the complexity of SDLC environment. Here I am giving the example to implement CICD pipeline using openshift jenckins . Below is the architecture

In this scenario we have one core project called CICD and under that multiple projects as DEV/Test/Production . Also We should configure jenkins -ephemeral temple to setup the CICD as pre requisite.

Containing our Jenkins instance

For building and developing our application images

For testing our application

Hosting our production application

1. first create the projects as below

$oc new-project cicd --display-name='CICD Jenkins' --description='CICD Jenkins'
$oc new-project development --display-name='Development' --description='Development'
$ oc new-project testing --display-name='Testing' --description='Testing'
$ oc new-project production --display-name='Production' --description='Production'

2. now we have to configure RBAC in these projects, let the master project service account(cicd jenkins) should have edit access to all other projects 

$ oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:cicd:jenkins -n development
$ oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:cicd:jenkins -n testing
$ oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:cicd:jenkins -n production

3. Testing and production enviroenment should have image pull access from the dev env

$ oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:testing -n development
$oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:production -n development

. now create the jenkin ephemeral instance to the cicd jenkin project 

$ oc project cicd
$ oc new-app --template=jenkins-ephemeral \
    -p JENKINS_IMAGE_STREAM_TAG=jenkins-2-rhel7:latest \
    -p NAMESPACE=openshift \
    -p MEMORY_LIMIT=2048Mi \
    -p ENABLE_OAUTH=true

5. Now create the pipe line inside the cicd project as below 

$ oc create -n cicd -f

6. we can keep the back up of the pipline config as below for future use

$oc export bc pipeline -o yaml -n cicd

7. deploy the app 

$oc project development
$oc new-app --name=myapp openshift/php:5.6
$oc expose service myapp --name=myapp

8. by default openshift will build and deploy the our application in the development project and use rolling deployment strategy for any changes.
   we will be using the image stream that has been created to tag and promote in to the testing and production changes. We will be using the same image stream that can be 
   created to tag and promote in to the testing and production projects.
   For that we need to create the deployment configuration in testing and production projects and to create the DC we need the ip address of the docker registry
   We will get the docker registry ip from the development image stream
   #oc get is -n development 
   myapp latest 13 minuted ago
   If we have a cluster admin role we can check the docker registry service directly 
   #oc get svc docker-registry -n default 
   NAME             CLUSTERIP         EXTERNALIP      PORTS       AGE
   docker-registry     <none>          5000/tcp    18d   

Now create a deployment configuration in the testing project 
   oc project testing
   oc create dc myapp --image=
   oc deploy myapp --cancel 
   The last step is needed becouse we have to cancel the autodeployment as we haven't used our pipeline to build/tag/promote our image yet
  9.  Next thing is we need to change the "ImagePullPolicy" for our container , by default it is set if notpresent , but out motive is to trigger the deployment when tag a new image 

$oc patch dc/myapp -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containets":[{"name":"default-container","imagePullPolicy":"Always"}]}}}}'

10. Now let's create the service and route 

$oc expose dc myapp --port=8080
$oc expose service myapp --name=myapp --hostname=unixchips -testing.

11. Repeat the same steps for production 

$oc  project production 
$oc create dc myapp -- image=
$oc deploy myapp --cancel 
$oc patch dc/myapp -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec"{"containers":[{"name":"default-container","imagePullPolicy":"Always"}]}}}'
$oc deploy myapp --cancel
$oc expose dc myapp --port=8080
$oc expose service myapp --hostname=unixchips-production. --name=myapp 

11. Let's run the pipeline deployment in cicd project 

$oc start-build pipeline -n cicd 

Once you login to the openshift-jenkins web console we can see that pipelines are created and waiting for the execution 

In production pipeline will wait for the user input to execute .

Thank you for reading 



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